Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I went to the Live show last night at Starland Ballroom. They put on a good show. I must admit, these guys looks like they're getting older and older (not that I am getting any younger or anything....after all my shower drain looks like a friggin' gremlin convention.....OK, well maybe that's an overexaggeration....not that I'll be throwing food down there after midnight or anything).

Ed Kowalczyk pretty much looks the same....he does look like he's hit the gym recently. Then again, I hit the gym too recently. But my gym-going experience involves staring at people and wondering

1) Is that chick with big breastses a stripper? She must be.

2) How do some of these guys get THAT big? There's no way that's natural. I wonder if the front desk would be opposed in making drug tests mandatory in order to work out at the gym. Anything that makes me look a LITLLE bit larger, would be greatly appreciated. I'm considering strolling into the gym with one of those sumo wrestling blow-up outfits just to hold my own out there. It's tough trying to struggle with those 20 pound weights!

3) What's the deal with that clown who looks like a mess but talks to EVERY hot chick? You know the guy....chews gum like a cow and NEVER does a single exercise but has a blast just chatting away. His full time job? Gym loiterer.

Back to Live...the opening act was a group called Michael Shapiro. There was a kid in my college named Michael Shapiro who was highly annoying. I think he ran for President of the class every year. This bad made him look palpable (there's an SAT word for ya!). Stench.

The key for Live was to play my three favorite songs: White, Discussion (check), I Alone (check), and Shittown (check). This should help for a great week.

Well, maybe if the Yankees can actually beat the Red Sox this year.

Got this great link from my friend, Josh, in and Land of Mary. For those of you who were hooked on Super Mario Brothers, you will definitely enjoy this. I remember sitting home on Thanksgiving, playing that game for 3 days straight. After that, I think fireballs were shooting out of my orifaces, too.

I wonder if Mario ever had that checked out.


Joependleton said...

Dude, SHITTTOWN a great tune.

I think the fact that you spent 3 days playing video games explains your self-doubt at the gym.

Welcome to the world of blogging.

Pete said...


This is nice work. It will undoubtedly become a must-read. Welcome aboard.