Monday, February 12, 2007

Deep Todd A

A few things that popped into my dome piece:

You think Al Gore might have some trouble convincing the fine people of Redfield, New York about the Greenhut Effect?

A new study shows that the scent of male sweat can increase arousal senses in women.
Hmm.....I'm guessing my gym bag wouldn't qualify as a good Valentine's gift. I can just imagine E's reaction to that one. (Some of the things in the bag can practically walk by themselves)

Brilliant idea of the of my students suggested the military should give lie detector tests to every people in Iraq and kill anyone who isn't telling the truth.

He also said "Police Academy 8: Crullers 'N Night Sticks" might be a good idea for a flick.

Are the weather people EVER right? I feel like you have to subtract 2-4 inches from any prognostication they make. Except if you live in Redfield, of course.

Researchers at the University of Calgary said monkeys may have used stone hammers as long as 4,300 years ago. Is this news? I'm thrilled monkeys knew how to bust nuts even back them, but I want to does this get us one step closer to finding the cure for cancer?

Man, I was HOPING "educator" would make this list. I guess if I can't pronounce the actual job, I wouldn't be in the running here.

Finally, if you are a fan of Star Wars (or even if you're not), check this out. Thanks to Rog2k+7 for this one.

1 comment:

Ericka Bigelow said... could they ignore Fundraiser and Sports Editor on the highest paid list?

After all, VFR and I are nothing but rolling in it.