Thursday, January 25, 2007

AmeriGAY Idol

For those of you who are regular readers to my blog, you know I am a huge fan of BAD reality television. Yes, I am sucked in by American Idol.

Last night's episode had one of the most ridiculous auditions ever. I found this to be extremely humorous. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy to be playing up a guy/girl/Pat that is a total publicity whore....but I couldn't help but nearly piss myself around 8 bells last eve.

My early Super Bowl prediction. Me = - $400 in lost betting money


Ericka Bigelow said...

Classic. Will anyone ever top William Hung. SHE BANGS, SHE BANGS!!

Joependleton said...

Cat, I just noticed the new background. What's up? I liked the dark blue.

Todd Cohen said...

If there's enough sentiment from the 4 readers of this blog, I'll consider changing it back.

I guess this is a trial period.