Saturday, October 28, 2006

Happy Erection Day!

Welcome to election season, where the stench on tv is worse than a middle schooler's 4-month-old unwashed gym clothes.

We criticize those in society who are violent and commit nasty crimes to innocent people. Rightfully so. But when I turn on the television set and see nasty commercials attacking political candidates and make constant comparisons to political candidates and the mafia, I have to ask...who really is running this country?

Case in point, look at this ad which was featured prominently on Opie and Anthony.

Are you KIDDING me???

Nothing like a group of representatives that are composed mostly by lawyers. And we wonder how lawyers get a bad rap.

This is the week of travelling for me. I went out to Denver with the girlfriend for a wedding this past weekend. Did some shtick with some friends from Rutgers. While we were out there we made a stopover at Columbine High School. Opting to remain in the car, we were the only clowns in the parking lot taking pictures from afar. Very eerie.

I remember when the incident happened and the Columbine area was compared to Westfield, NJ. I could see why. The area seemed like it was on the wealthier side and mostly white. However, there was no Castle Bootery...and we all know how important that is to the Westfield community. I think I got my first pair of Zips there.

After the exciting Louisville/Rutgers game this Thursday, I will be joining my brother for a trek to Pittsburgh for the game against the Saints. Two teams going in different directions. I'll be the only one in Heinz Field wearing a Tiki Barber jersey.

I'll also be the only one likely danging by the same jersey from a pole atop the stadium.

Don't forget to get out and vote!

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