February 27 -- Had a really great day. Woke up. Went to the bathroom. Got out of bed.
March 10 -- Drove to North Jersey to visit my grandkids. Boy how they've grown. I played peek-a-boo with them. They laughed. I laughed. Then we ate lunch. They are so cute. Blah blah blah obvious crap.....blah blah blah....more obvious crap.

June 2 -- Took a breath today. Really enjoyed the oxygen that I breathed in. Plus, I think I emitted some quality carbon dioxide for the trees around me. My how nature is so beautiful.
Is this a normal thing? Maybe a few lines of what's gone on could be more effective. Maybe answer the following questions:
-- Did anyone die?
-- Was anyone born?
-- Did anyone get married?
and then move on with "Love, Your name"
Fortunately, I won't bore you with a letter and waste paper. Instead, I will waste internet space. As I complete my final blog for the 2007 year, I think back to all of the great and not so great things that I've done over the past 12 months. My Top 7 (because I was too lazy to come up with 10.....and I figure I'm going to get a "Joker....you forgot to name an event" from my mother).....in no particular order:
-- Graduated from Kean with my Masters degree. You know what this means? Now I get a "Dr." in front of my name. That's right....I'm not sure if you knew this but my real name is Feelgood Joker. The secret is out people.
-- Broke a 25 year dry spell and ventured to Disney World with E. It was one of the best trips I have ever been on. Unless you count the time I went to Disney World when I was 5. My family did go on that trip but the fact it involved no Epcot or alcohol gives the 2007 trip the edge.
-- Received my first iPod from E. Nice job by my brother passing along this tip: To get songs for your ipod, go to the local library and borrow some CDs. I was shocked at the titles they had when I walked into my local biblioteca for the first time since I had to do that 3rd grade shoebox report on the state of New Jersey. It was exciting. Trust me.

-- Jumped on the Munchmobile for a seafood ride. Then I was told to get off. The police were involved....it was a mess. But the scallops were damn good!
-- Watched the last episode of the Sopranos. I think after 8 months I finally have come to this conclusion about the ending.
-- Last but not least.....I was able to help plan and contribute to a pancreatic cancer fund raiser this past October. Thanks for all who donated and attended. I can't wait until next year's bigger and better Picnic for Pancan!
That brings me to my final point....
My mother sent me a link about Randy Pausch, a professor at Carnegie Melon University. Dr. Pausch is dying of pancreatic cancer (the same thing my father had). He gave a lecture at CMU that pretty much summed up his life and discussed key life lessons he wanted to pass along to his three young children.
THIS is a true hero. Check out the Lecture of a Lifetime. I watch this video and think about all of the things that life has to offer. I don't want to get sentimental here but watching Dr. Pausch remain positive even in the most dire circumstances is something to admire.
Someone once said, "Everyday is a gift from God." Dr. Pausch is truly living this for as long as he has left.
Enjoy your new year and may all of you have an even better 2008.